Why It’s Important to Clean Your Home’s Siding

Just like everything else, your vinyl siding needs to be cleaned. Over time, you may notice black, gray, and green stains on your siding, especially on the north side and areas where the sun doesn’t shine. Regardless of the type of siding, it gets dirty, and it needs to be cleaned at least once a year to stay looking good.

 Dirty vinyl siding

Pollen, dirt, and other debris blown around in the wind will accumulate on your home’s siding, along with bird poop and whatever it is that bugs and other critters leave on your home. All of this, along with moisture, can result in algae and mold growing on the surface of your siding. It's worse in areas of the country where it's damp and humid most of the time. It's a slow process of buildup, making your home’s siding look dingy and dull. That’s why it’s a good practice to clean the siding on your home at least once a year.

 Spring is a good time to clean your siding, but in reality, any time of year is fine. Choose a day that's going to be warm and sunny with very little wind. Before you start, take some time to inspect your siding, looking for areas that have heavy buildup, peeling paint, or other damage. If you are new to your home, check your home inspection report to see if your home inspector noted any maintenance or repair issues that need to be addressed.

 Methods to Clean Your Siding

 Basically, there are three simple methods you can use to clean your siding: a soft brush or cloth, a garden hose, or a pressure washer. Make your choice based on your siding, how dirty it is, and how large an area needs to be cleaned.

 Cleaning siding with a power sprayer and soap dispenser

Some experts caution against using a pressure washer to clean your siding. If you're not careful, you can cause damage to the surface. Make sure to keep the pressure lower and stay consistent with your spraying methods. You want to make sure that you're holding the power washer perpendicular to the wall. Don't aim your spray upwards, as you may drive water behind the siding. Use caution in areas where there might be damage or gaps in the siding that could blow out from higher pressures.

 If your siding is mildly dirty, you may just use a garden hose with a sprayer attachment to rinse off any debris that may have accumulated. This may work for most areas of your home.

 For minor stains and buildup, you can use a bucket of warm, soapy water and a soft bristle brush to loosen and remove the filth. Ordinary dish soap works well to loosen and remove light dirt, bird poop, and bug droppings.

 Cleaning Solutions for Siding

 As with anything else, there are an abundance of cleaning products out there to assist you in cleaning your home’s siding. Do your research and choose a product that meets your needs.

 Some products come in a container that can be screwed directly onto the end of your garden hose and sprayed onto your siding. Other products can be added to the soap dispenser of your power washer or just added to a bucket of warm water. I'm not making endorsements, but two products that I have personal experience with are “Wet and Forget” as well as “Moss Max.” They both work well. Make sure to completely follow all safety precautions with these products. If you want to stick with something more natural, use a solution of 30% white vinegar in your bucket of water. Vinegar works, but you may have to work a little harder in areas where the stains have built up.


 Typically, if you are adding a cleaning solution, you would want to start the application at the bottom and work your way up. This will prevent streaking. Work in smaller sections that are manageable and won't dry out before you have a chance to rinse. Rinse from the top down. Also, make sure that you protect any plants or decorations that may be near the side of the house. Some of these chemicals are harsh and will damage your vegetation and flowers.


 Safety is important with all DIY projects. Make sure that you are wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) recommended by any of the products you may use to clean your siding. Also, if you are using a ladder, make sure that you set it up properly so that it is stable and safe to be on. Don't forget that there may be electrical outlets and lighting that are going to get wet while you are cleaning your siding.


 Whether you clean your home’s siding yourself or hire a professional, it's important to keep your house looking clean and protect the exterior. Staying on top of it by cleaning your siding annually will make the job easier in the long run.

 At HomePro Inspections, our home inspectors are trained to inspect all areas of the home. Deferred maintenance and the buildup of mold, mildew, and debris can turn a relatively simple project into a more serious repair if left unchecked. Any issues found are documented in your home inspection report and recommended for resolution by a qualified professional.

 Visit our website to learn more or to schedule your home inspection in the Rochester, Owatonna, and Faribault, MN areas. You can contact us today at (507) 202-8942 or utilize our online “Schedule Now” feature to set up an appointment.